We offer training services and on-the-job training.
The acquired expertise and solid Know-How of NECA, represent an added value for companies.
We train operators in the use of fixed (CMM) and portable (PCMM) measuring machines, enabling them to operate with maximum autonomy and precision
We offer progressive courses profiled intron to the customer’s needs and knowledge.
- Introductory approach to the world of measurement.
- Basic Configuration and Use of Instrumentation (Laser/Brackets/CMM/Scan)
- Introduction and Configuration of Software (SA/PC-DMIS/QUINDOS/METROLOG/POLIWORKS).
- Advanced Approach to the World of Measurement.
- Advanced Configuration and Use of Instrumentation (Laser/Brack/CMM/Scan)
- Programming and Management of Software (SA/PC-DMIS/QUINDOS/METROLOG/POLIWORKS).
- Geometric Tolerances
Final evaluation test to certify the level of learning and the degree of competence achieved by each participant.